The Dream World of Consumerism (2017)

This zine discusses the topic of Consumerism, the root of it and how it all started, the psychology behind today’s culture of consumerism, and how it applies to this day and age. I am curious and interested in zooming out of the bigger picture, to realise the things that I am consuming, bringing consciousness to subconscious consumerism.

My Head Is A Lovely Mess (2021)

We have all heard the saying “we take photos of what we are afraid to lose”.

This zine aims to explore my on-going headspace during this pandemic, and what I subconsciously find precious to me by realising the photos I took unintentionally, intentionally. Looking back, I often wonder why I took these pictures. This zine is then a reflection of who I was that am no longer, and to prove that we are constantly morphing everyday, that even the you of yesterday could easily be a stranger.

For Fassbender & Mellon Collie (2021)

Photos by Chris
Design and writings by me

Her feet, light, she flew because her hands were undyed
From the never-ending above, vast and wide
Dusty hands
She stroked a gloom
High she was, it made her cry


A misdeed, a fault
Just to co-exist alongside yours


Why does the meter run
When it shouldn’t matter
I’d make my own sphere
So we will never know poor