A Different Reading by THEBOOKSHOW

A Different Reading is a project by THEBOOKSHOW that attempts to open up new dialogues and synergies between young creatives of varied background, training and knowledge through the process of creating a new artist book. Bringing together 5 young artists and 4 young designers, under the mentorship of Hanson Ho of H55 and artist Ang Song Nian, each artist-designer pair produces a new art book to be launched at the Singapore Art Book Fair 2022.

To design the branding, social media assets (@thebookshow), and space (booth at Singapore Art Book Fair 2022).

The idea was to adopt the elements of print - effects of photocopying, overprint, ink-bleed, and all the imperfections/perfection of print production. This explains the slightly smudgey typography treatment, and overprint text on images for the social media posts.

Logo Usage

Typography for overall branding

Social Media Assets

Space design over at the booth at Singapore Art Book Fair 2022