
With Lin Shiauyu
Designed by me
Published by THEBOOKSHOW

Tadpole is about the search for the figure that is intimate yet foreign,
Tadpole is about the delicate stage between definite shapes, when the body has yet to catch up to the things we experience and learn.
Tadpole is about the growing pain that left a scar, memories still swimming in some of our bodies.
Tadpole is about the negligible weight of the story, amongst so, so many similar tales.

The book is a large format expression of an untold recollection. Told mainly by ink paintings, the book walks you through the journey of the artist and her emotions. In alignment with the intended narrative, you’ll find inserts of the artist’s self portraits in the form of figure drawings and snippets of handwritten text, paced in between the body of the book at random, as if peeping into a private diary of such.

Available for purchase here

Product shots: Marvin Tang